Hi everyone,
For two personal reasons, including one of the two biggest non-family-related honors/responsibilities I’ve ever had bestowed upon me, I must discontinue this blog in the immediate term.
I would rather not write at all than write poorly, and right now, I just don’t have the time to write well.
Please note that à  bientôt means “see you soon” and not “goodbye.” I don’t think I’ll be writing again in August, but I’m hopeful that by the end of September, I’ll be writing this again with the same consistency and passion that I’ve done since last December 1st.
I would ask that if I’m on your RSS feed, you leave me there, and that if you follow dcdining on Twitter, you don’t unfollow it – I have every intention of putting a smile on your face with my next post/Tweet, but there’s no way it’s going to happen before Labor Day at the earliest.
Everyone here has a place in my heart, and I ask for your indulgence this one time. I’m going to continue moderating and monitoring donrockwell.com almost constantly, so don’t worry about that changing or going away.
Thanks in advance for sticking with me, and kind regards, Don Rockwell
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