(See the December 21, 2010 Review here.)
It was Saint Patrick’s Day, and I hadn’t eaten a thing all day. Certain that the bar at Restaurant Eve would be packed, I was stunned to walk in and find it nearly empty at 5:30. Surprisingly, Ken and Val (both tending bar that evening) told me that Saint Patrick’s Day tends not to be crowded at the bar here – who knew?
All the more Roasted Brussels Sprouts ($7.50) for me – little, tiny, baby Brussels Sprouts, some of the best I’ve ever had. I still have no clue as their origin, but I guarantee they came from a local farmer – there’s no way they couldn’t have.
How were they prepped? Here’s how they were prepped:
Gouden Carolus Ambrio … $12.00 (Eve no longer serves Guinness (or anything else) on tap which is a mild tragedy.)
Greenore Irish Whiskey … $15.50
Tyrconnell Irish Whiskey(s) … $6.85
Deciding in advance to Metro instead of drive … priceless.